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Working with the session#

The Session is the mean that you use to communicate with the database. There are two main ways to use it:

In a web application: Use the scoped session db.s#

The “scoped_session” is really a proxy to a session automatically scoped to the current thread.

This allows having a global session, so the session can be shared without the need to pass it explicitly.

A scoped session is the recommended way to work in a web application, however, you must remember to call db.s.remove() the session at the end of the request.

Use your framework’s “on request end” hook, to do that. For example, in Flask:

def remove_db_scoped_session(error=None):

The db.s.remove() method close the current session and dispose it. A new session will be created when db.s is called again.

Background job/tasks#

Outside a web request cycle, like in a background job, you still can use the global session, but you must:

  1. Call db.engine.dispose() when each new process is created.
  2. Call db.s.remove() at the end of each job/task

Background jobs libraries, like Celery or RQ, use multiprocessing or fork(), to have several “workers” to run these jobs. When that happens, the pool of connections to the database is copied to the child processes, which does causes errors.

For that reason you should call db.engine.dispose() when each worker process is created, so that the engine creates brand new database connections local to that fork.

You also must remember to call db.s.remove() at the end of each job, so a new session is used each time.

With most background jobs libraries you can set them so it’s done automatically, see:

In a standalone script: Instantiate db.Session#

Instantiating db.Session is the recommended way to work when the session is not shared like in a command-line script.

You can use a context manager:

with db.Session() as dbs:
    # work with the session here

When the session is created in this way, a database transaction is automatically initiated when required, and the dbs.flush(), dbs.commit(), and dbs.rollback() methods can be used as needed.

The session is automatically closed and returned to the session pool when the context manager block ends.

You can also create it without a context manager and close it manually:

dbs = db.Session():
# work with the session here


SQLAlchemy default Session class has the method .get(Model, pk) to query and return a record by its primary key.

This class extends the sqlalchemy.orm.Session class with some useful active-record-like methods.

all(Model, **attrs) #

Returns all the object found with these attributes.

The filtering is done with a simple .filter_by() so is limited to “equality” comparisons against the columns of the model. Also, there is no way to sort the results. If you need sorting or more complex filtering, you are better served using a


users = db.s.all(User)
users = db.s.all(User, deleted=False)
users = db.s.all(User, account_id=123, deleted=False)

create(Model, **attrs) #

Creates a new object and adds it to the session.

This is a shortcut for:

obj = Model(**attrs)

Note that this does a db.s.flush(), so you must later call db.s.commit() to persist the new object.


new_user = db.s.create(User, email='')

first(Model, **attrs) #

Returns the first object found with these attributes or None if there isn’t one.

The filtering is done with a simple .filter_by() so is limited to “equality” comparisons against the columns of the model. Also, there is no way to sort the results. If you need sorting or more complex filtering, you are better served using a


user = db.s.first(User)
user = db.s.first(User, deleted=False)

first_or_create(Model, **attrs) #

Tries to find an object and if none exists, it tries to create a new one first. Use this method when you expect the object to already exists but want to create it in case it doesn’t.

This does a db.s.flush(), so you must later call db.s.commit() to persist the new object (in case one has been created).


user1 = db.s.first_or_create(User, email='')
user2 = db.s.first_or_create(User, email='')
user1 is user2

create_or_first(Model, **attrs) #

Tries to create a new object, and if it fails because already exists, return the first it founds. For this to work one or more of the attributes must be unique so it does fail, otherwise you will be creating a new different object.

Use this method when you expect that the object does not exists but want to avoid an exception in case it does.

This does a db.s.flush(), so you must later call db.s.commit() to persist the new object (in case one has been created).


user1 = db.s.create_or_first(User, email='')
user2 = db.s.create_or_first(User, email='')
user1 is user2

As always, I recommend reading the official SQLAlchemy tutorial to learn more how to work with the session.